Friday, August 29, 2008



Music, more than any endevour is time consuming. Yep, even mash, smash, rock, punk, grindcore et al. is time comsuming- to be good.

What is "good".

One of the things being good at is "wearing two hats" until you can be "an open book".
(ditch the three-hats routine today)

youtube publishing

practice space (non-family surroundings 2 new family surroundings) , create -be a creator making creations you haven't before. Can't do this at home with people ready to wump you over the head with their stealth-mode judgmentalism.
Invite one person and one person only to listen to you without them saying a word. Bookmark that in your "wayback brain."

practice space b.

What can I create at home for my time? What can I create at the practice space for my time?

repeptoire your 3 songs ( a minimum legitimate audio portfolio), the subjective/objective playing scene. (if someone offers unwarrented criticism/judgmentalism, check to see if they play a musical instrument and if they do how? Making original music is more noble then being a crack shredder who can copy everyone elses material. This is the Rubenstein/Horowitz, technical/passion ratio at play.